Thursday, February 4, 2010

Disconnect The Telephone Calls Letter Sample Disconnecting Telephone Line From Computer?

Disconnecting telephone line from computer? - disconnect the telephone calls letter sample

I wanted to install a new DIMM memory card for my Windows XP computer, but you do not know what message I do with my internet / phone line.

Dell manual says to disconnect the telephone lines or telecommunications computer. There are two connectors on the back of the box can be separated. I was not sure that it is revealed as coaxial line. This is absolutely necessary to disconnect before working on the computer?


Eclectic said...

If you need the power cord.

When you say, coaxial, who told me that when connected to the Internet via cable modem. Through the use of coaxial cable. It is likely that similar to the cable that connects your TV. Connect the other posters mentioned, correctly, as I said, to connect Ethernet networks (if you use a router or gateway for connecting a telephone, computer network or if it has not.) Even if you have a cable modem to connect to your computer with this type of RJ45 plugs mentioned.

He left in limbo, and said he probably would not hurt, but not separated, unless a ringing of the phone on your computer, sent about 86 volts in the team, well above the 12 or 5 volts running on your computer.

In the old days of modems, both friction my friend, is a computer expert, and earned his living working on them had a bad experience. We worked on the computer with the phone connected to the modem. The phone came with the ring-port Voltage. I recently received a nasty surprise, but my friend's hand into a fist involuntarily captured and electricity, while waved his hand behind the crash took several business cards and replacing cables that cost him several hundred dollars and many hours for the repair the damage.

When the computer was me, I switch it off.

Good luck, and certainly I see absolutely nothing wrong with a new card to install. Good luck

mitch b said...

Leah - firstly, the fact that this question tells me, frankly, is not someone to crack the PC case ... but that's neither here nor there.

Before working on any PC, you should always at least the device, and use a static band to damage the electronics. When you say disconnect telecommunication lines to the computer only one Ethernet cable is that the modem or router connects to the back of your PC (at the end of the cable looks like a telephone cord, but) with greater input on the PC and although not strictly necessary, it is a good idea to separate - with the keyboard, mouse and other peripherals - cables, just Get Your Way.

Good luck!

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